04 March 2007

Printscreen Video

Lokasi:Depan PC
Mood: Still Penin (Baru lepas format PC)
Musik: Maria - Heart Beat

Hehe.. mesti ada yang heran napa bila printscreen jer video kat windows media player x dapat pa per pon. blank jer kat mspaint tue. Hehe. Here come the tips to save the day.

Ada dua cara. Guna Windows Media Player Classic [Bundled with KLite Codec] atau pon Windows Media Player Biasa. Tapi aku tunjuk untuk Windows Media Player Biasa la. [Aku guna WMP11].

1. Mula-mula bukak apa-sapa saja fail video. Pastu..
2. Klik Tool > Option > Performance > Advance
3. Then kat bawah bahagian Video Acceration tue uncheck kotak Use Overlays.
4. If fail video senag dimainkan, Player akan beritahu bahawa video tersebut akan direstart.
5. Tekan jer Ok.
6. Printscreen tengok. Pastu paste ka kat mspaint. Nak lawa paste kat photoshop.
7. Walla. use ur skill to enhance it! =)

03 March 2007

Update Week

Lokasi: Depan PC
Mood: Tengah Penin
Musik:: Utada Hikaru - Flavor Of Life

Jem2... Aku nak update Blog dalam seminggu dua nie. Adoi.. kena redesign balik...

21 January 2007

Now and Again

Lokasi: The Other Half of My World
Mood: A lil' bit of Sad and Happy
Musik: Now and Again

Aku adalah aku. Walau di mana saja aku berada aku tetap adalah aku. Terkenang balik peristiwa yang lama-lama. Bila aku fikirkan balik, banyak yang membazir dari mengguna. Menda banyak skali aku bazirkan adalah masa. Aku pasti ramai antara pembaca turut membazir menda yang sama.

Hmm.. kalo nak cerita banyak masa banyak masa terbuang lagi. Cuma skang selepas insiden demi insiden, aku mula menghargai waktu. Setiap peluang yang ada aku tak lepaskan. Cuma yang pasti aku tak melupakan prinsip dan pegangan aku. Biar pun dihina dan dikutuk aku tetap berdiri dan terus berlari. Apa saja yang mereka lemparkan ke dalam minda aku, semua aku cernakan jadi semangat untuk terus berlari dan mendaki. Aku suka korus daripada lagu A.C.A.B nie, Now and Again.

So why should I.. care?
Why should I - care to whatever they'll say?
They've never cared anyway
So why should I.. care?
Why should I... care?
I will do it my way
I'll do it now & again & again...
Masih ingat ketika aku leka dan tersungkur. Begitu banyak cacian di kelilingku. Namun aku tak hiraukan semua itu. Aku segera sedar dan bangun. Alhamdulillah aku masih berdiri dan aku tahu masih jauh perjalanan hidup ini.

Terima kasih aku ucapkan kepada semua yang menyokongku tidak kira dekat atau jauh. Kalian akan terus di hati ini sebagai pembakar semangat untuk terus berjaya. Suatu hari nanti aku pasti akan berada disamping kalian kerana aku sedang mendaki jalan yang kalian tunjukkan kepadaku.

Terima kasih semua...

14 January 2007

Life Sentence

The bride tells her husband, “Honey, you know I’m a virgin and I don’t know anything about sex. Can you explain it to me first?”

“OK, Sweetheart. Putting it simply, we will call your private place ‘the prison’ and call my private thing ‘the prisoner’. So what we do is: put the prisoner in the prison.

And then they made love for the first time.

Afterwards, the guy is lying face up on the bed, smiling with satisfaction. Nudging him, his bride giggles, “Honey the prisoner seems to have escaped.”

Turning on his side, he smiles. “Then we will have to re-imprison him.”

After the second time they spent, the guy reaches for his cigarettes but the girl, thoroughly enjoying the new experience of making love, gives him a suggestive smile, “Honey, the prisoner is out again!”

The man rises to the occasion, but with the unsteady legs of a recently born foal. Afterwards, he lays back on the bed, totally exhausted.

She nudges him and says, “Honey, the prisoner escaped again.”

Limply turning his head, He YELLS at her, “Hey, it’s not a life sentence, OKAY!

Who’s Willing To Try

A guy walks into a bar with a pet alligator by his side. He puts the alligator up on the bar. He turns to the astonished patrons. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll open this alligator’s mouth and place my genitals inside. Then the gator will close his mouth for one minute. He’ll then open his mouth and I’ll remove my unit unscathed. In return for witnessing this spectacle, each of you will buy me a drink.”

A guy walks into a bar with a pet alligator by his side. He puts the alligator up on the bar. He turns to the astonished patrons. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll open this alligator’s mouth and place my genitals inside. Then the gator will close his mouth for one minute. He’ll then open his mouth and I’ll remove my unit unscathed. In return for witnessing this spectacle, each of you will buy me a drink.”

The crowd murmured their approval. The man stood up on the bar, dropped his trousers, and placed his privates in the alligator’s open mouth. The gator closed his mouth as the crowd gasped. After a minute, the man grabbed a beer bottle and rapped the alligator hard on the top of its head. The gator opened his mouth and the man removed his genitals, unscathed as promised.

The crowd cheered and the first of his free drinks was delivered. The man stood up again and made another offer.

“I’ll pay anyone one hundred dollars who’s willing to give it a try.” A hush fell over the crowd. After a while, a hand went up in the back of the bar.

A buxom young blonde woman timidly spoke up. “I’ll try, but you have to promise not to hit me on the head with the beer bottle.”


Seorang boss entah macam mana mood dia memang baik sungguh pada hari nie..Sesiapa yang nak minta balik lima jam lebih awal hari nie dia bagi tapi alasannya mestilah munasabah. Haaaa!! Alasannya mestilah pasal sembahyang ajer! Tau saja macam tu ader 4 orang pekerja bawahan datang mintak balik awal..

Pekerja 1 : A'kum Boss, bulih saya pulang? Saya balik nak sembahyang kat rumah boss, leh tak?

Boss : Tak boleh!!!Kat sini kan ader surau, sembahyang jemaah lagi, lagi banyak pahalanya..!

Pekerja 2 : Saya boleh balik awal kot Boss?

Bosss : Hang apa pasai?

Pekerja 2 : Saya nak balik tengok anak saya sembahyang zohor ker tak? Ntah-ntah dia ponteng?

Boss : Tak boleh balik, hang telefon saja bini hang suruh dia tengok!

Pekerja 3: A'kum Boss! Boss: Ha? pasal pulak ni? Nak balik awal gak ker?

Pekerja 3 : Errrrr!!Yer boss, boss baik!!

Boss: Alasan apa lak ngko nie?

Pekerja 3 : Saya nak balik sembahyang orang mati..Ada orang kampung saya ninggal pagi tadi, nak sembahyang jenazah...! Boleh kot boss yer saya pulang awal?

Boss : Tak bolehhh!!!Itu fardzu kifayah jer!Orang kampung lain yang ramai tu boleh sembahyangkan. Doa kat sini pun boleh!!Dah!Pergi buat kerja..

Pekerja 4: A'kum Boss! Saya nak balik awal boleh tak ari nie?

Boss : Naper?

Pekerja 4 : Isteri saya telefon, dia kater dia dah boleh sembahyang!

Boss: Yer ker? Ha! Kalu gitu awak baliklah...Kesian awak dah seminggu nunggu!!!

Pekerja 4 : Terima kasih Boss!!!Heee..hee Hee...wajib tu nafkah batin namanya...

Ihsan daripada Nurul Akma The Chumey Lotey

10 Things About KDrama

Ini adalah senarai perkara-perkara yang kita selalu lihat dalam drama-drama Korea. Again, it's in English.

The Truth? A love triangle is a MUST.

However, there are more sub-categories under love triangles.

Two men - One woman = In this type of love triangles, all the guys are good-looking, professional, and wealthy. The girl is poor but EXTREMELY pretty and innocent. Under no circumstances can the drama lack the girl nor can the guy be sub-perfect.

Two girls - One man = Once again, the man is a rich heir to a massive fortune and/or company. At the very least, he is the Vice President of his father’s company; always dresses in crisp suits, knows business-smarts, and is of course- handsome. Likewise, the girl is just as beautiful but POOR and innocent. The Other Girl who is about the same level as the Guy is pretty but evil and/or psychotic. For the guy, the Girl is always sacrificing herself. In the long line of K-Drama history, the Evil GIrl has never gotten the Guy.

Nowadays, the 2 Guys-2 Girl Love Quadri-angle is very popular, not to mention complex.

Conclusion. In the drama, the guy is always handsome, rich, AT LEAST the vice-president of a mega-conglomerate but ODDLY ENOUGH(?) he doesn’t know how to be anything but KIND and LOVING toward his polar opposite: The Pretty-Innocent Girl. In one word? The Kight In Shining Armor.

On the other hand, the Girl is always poor, but spunky and inevitably GORGEOUS with a HIGH SENSE OF indepenence and PRIDE. Even though The Girl gets the Man (in the long history of k-dramas, this is EQUIVALENT TO THE BIG BANG THEORY), she always gets screwed by the Other-Pretty-But-Evil Girl in the middle.


There CANNOT be a marriage WITHOUT the interference/fierce opposition of the family.

Whether it is class differences, family problems, the marriage cannot come without a big bang in between. NOTE: The parent’s opposition never lasts forever. In the end (usually 1~2 episodes before the End), they are suddenly all loving and grandmotherly without the prior b!tchiness displayed through Episodes 1~6. A story that’s been more stretched out than turkey meat.

The rich family is the one that protests the wedding, the parents threaten to cut off all ties with their child and/or remove them from the family register.

In the end, they say OK.

The Man’s Profession

In popular dramas, there are no middle-level management employees, no salesman, no KFC manager, and Definitly no pizza delivery guy. Their fathers are always the CEO of a huge company, and the Male Character himself is AT THE VERY LEAST Managing Director / Market Director. He is UBER-talented in his field. I wonder how many % of the world’s male population fit the aforementioned qualifications. In addition, MOST of these GUYS ARE ALSO Awesome FIGHTERS.

Rich. Good-looking. Intelligent. Prestigious Family Background. Skilled. HAS COMPLETED COLLEGE AND/OR MBA ABROAD (99% IN AMERICA).

Dresses like a Model. Kind. Warm. Pure-hearted. Perfect Gentleman. CLEAN. Plays at least ONE Musical Instrument. Good at SPORTS.

LASTLY, although the origins are unknown, they ARE HELLA GOOD FIGHTERS.

Girl’s Profession/Job

In this situation, it’s not absolute, but MOST OF THEM work at the Guy’s company and/or closely affiliated fields. Of course, the Guy ignores his seniority over the Girl and helps her out like a guardian angel. And although most of the Girls have a high sense of independence AND do everything there is, they rarely get any recognition for their hard work. To put it more specifically, the Woman’s CLIMBING/OVERCOME OF SOCIAL OBSTACLES are not very important- at least not enough to focus on.

The Republic of Korea Fits In Buddha’s Palm?!

There are dozens of parks in Seoul (The 3rd most populated city in the WORLD). What is the likelihood of two people WITH DAY JOBS spotting each other like that? But against LOGIC and PROBABILITY, One of the Main Character always sees the other person WITH THE EVIL CHARACTER EVERYONE LOVES TO HATE. (In girl’s case, they usually roll their huge-ass eyes with double-lids).

The extent of lovers’ touching BEFORE & AFTER the conflict is resolved

While dating, it is ALWAYS a hug. After their conflict gets resolved, ALWAYS a KISS. There can be no IN-BETWEEN. In the earlier stages of their relationsihp, they are always hugging (no more, no less), but when the obstacle (whether its the EVIL 3rd Party and/or Evil-Crazy Parents), they start kissing EVEN THOUGH NO ONE TOLD THEM TO. Can’t they kiss BEFORE and hug AFTER?

Cancer & Car Accidents

The main character ALWAYS dies of cancer. And they usually don’t recover. When the character gets cancer diagnosis, they usally think “that’s it, my life is over.” Especially when its the Girl, it’s 99% likely cancer. It can’t be a freak accident- no sticking a finger into the toaster, no falling off the cliff, no struck by lightning- it’s GOTTA BE CANCER. And in the final stages, they HAVE to go on a JOURNEY.


Without trying, they usually end up dead.

Although the MAIN CHARACTERS usually die of Cancer, most of the RELATED characters die of car accidents.

It’s true that South Korea has many vehicular accidents, but almost all of the not-quite-the-main-characters die from car crashes.


The Wealthy person has to live in a 2-story house. They can either live at a HUMONGOUS apartment like Tower Pellis (The Formerly Most Expensive APT in Korea, now its Hyundai I-Park ) Although the character can live by themselves, their family always has two stories. IT CANNOT BE 3 STORIES HIGH, ONLY 2. And even though its a huge-ass house, they never have a A/C machine (The Korean type that’s shaped like a refrigerator) in the middle of summer. From the viewer’s perspective, the kitchen is always to our left and the master bedroom is always to the right. The stairways is at the middle and the front door is to the right, as well.


Although home theatres are the rage nowadays, it seems that the rich people don’t follow that trend. On the other hand, the Girl’s family usually resides in the GHETTO with long, winding roads with doors that have chipped paint.

The Must-Have: Slapping

For as long as I have lived, I have never BEEN slapped nor have I slapped as I have seen in k-dramas. In fact, I’ve never seen other people do, either. When the main character’s pissed: SLAP. Unsatisfied? Slap. Fighting? Slap. Seeking revenge? Slap. [insert random emotion]? Slap.

As I watch k-dramas, I wonder if the roots of Korean culture lies within the Art of Slapping. Whatever the problem is, a good-ole slap can solve it. Currently, the REALISM of the slapping fascinates me. They hit hard.

The Chauffeur’s NAME IS ALWAYS “KIM”

It’s true that Kim is the most common Last Name in South Korea, but MOST, if not ALL drivers in the drama are named Kim. Can’t there be a Driver Park? Driver Choi? Driver Cha? Driver Bang? Driver Lee? Driver Lim?! There are countless surnames, yet the driver must be “Driver Kim” or else. Do many Kims work in the transportation field?!

Credit to respective owners of this article.

Sperm Count!

Ini adalah section terbaru yagn aku tiba-tiba terasa nak letak lepas bergelak ketawa membaca lawak yang aku rsa best. Lawak ini bergantung la mana yang aku jumpa jadi ada dalam bahasa melayu and inggeris. So, keep checkin' in guys!

Sperm Count (Kira Sperma)

An 85-year-old man went to his doctor’s office to get a sperm count. The doctor gave the man a jar and said, “Take this jar home and bring back a semen sample tomorrow.”

The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the doctor’s office and gave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous day. The doctor asked what happened and the man explained:

“Well, doc, it’s like this - First I tried with my right hand, but nothing. Then I tried with my left hand, but still nothing.

Then I asked my wife for help. She tried with her right hand, then her left, still nothing. She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teeth out, and still nothing. We even called up Arleen, the lady next door and she tried too, first with both hands, then an armpit and she even tried squeezin’ it between her knees, but still nothing.”

The doctor was shocked! “You asked your neighbour?”

The old man replied, “Yep. And no matter what we tried, we still couldn’t get the jar open.”

12 January 2007

Usah Terliur

Siapa tak terliur melihat kereta mewah? Tapi usah ingat kereta mewah berjuta ringgit itu perfect. Sama sekali tidak hanya pemiliknya tahu pasal kekurangan dan karenahnya.

Tapi kita yang melihat macam terkeluar mata, punya syok hingga tercetus perkataan “Wahhh!” Tak semena-mena Melambangkan hati kita yang terpegun habis.

Kan gitu? “Kalaulah aku dapat..”

Anda fikir kereta itu tak ada masalahkah? Jangan cepat sangat membuat kesimpulan. Kalau tak percaya pergilah ke pusat-pusat servis kereta-kereta mewah ni dan Iihatlah kereta yang keluar masuk bukan setakat servis berkala, macam-macam masalah.

Cuba curi-curi dengar kata kata para pemilik yang biasanya terdiri daripada mereka yang amat berduit ini dengan service consultant, anda akan dengar macam-macam complaint.

Nak lebih power tanya terus service consultant itu, anda akan garu kepala, hairan dan tak percaya. “Takkanlah macam tu pulak?“Takkanlah kereta berjuta ringgit ni pun ada masalah?”

“Kereta Kancil aku pun tak bocor bumbungnya.”

Percayakah anda kalau saya katakan kereta mewah tak terkecuali dan masalah bumbung bocor, enjin mati sewaktu sedang bergerak, sensor tiba-tiba tak berfungsi dan macam-macam api. Harapkan mahal Tapi tak kurang dengan masalah.

Begitu jugalah manusia. Jangan terliur dengan orang yang handsome, macho, kacak, lawa, cantik, jelita, jambu dan segala macam istilah kehebatan yang boleh kita berikan kepadanya. Macam kereta mewah juga, penuh dengan masalah.

Kalau kereta boleh jugalah diketuk mana-mana bahagian yang kemek, boleh tampal simen dan cat semula. Akan nampak licin dan bersinar. Apa yang ada di dalam tubuh, apa yang dipanggil tengkorak dan rangka itu telah disalut oleh daging dan kulit yang nampak indah dengan bentuk-bentuk yang tersendiri, maka nampaklah cantik sangat, tetapi yang sebenarnya apa yang ada di dalam tetap menakutkan. Itu boleh tahan, sebab semua orang pun sama. Semua orang ada tulang belulang dan tongkorak, tetapi apa yang tersembunyi dalam hati jauh labih manakutkan. Yang ini boleh jadi terlalu buruk, terlalu busuk dan terlalu kotor. Samalah macam kereta mewah, di luarnya nampak barsinar dan berkilat mengatasi semua kereta yang ada, di bawahnya tetap besi dan simen yang boleh berkarat dimakan cuaca.

Jadi, usahlah anda terliur sangat melihat dia, terutama jika dia tu memang tak mungkin anda miliki, sebab dia isteri orang, dia suami orang, dia anak orang berada, dia terlalu popular! Dia ternama, dia telah dimiliki seseorang dan segala macam alasan yang boleh anda tamsilkan sendiri.Yang anda terpesona adalah kulit dan daging yang menutupi apa yang sabenarnya menakutkan anda. Dan ingat, orang cantik, orang handsome biasanya kurang jujur.

Mengapa mesti terliur jika anda membayangkan jerangkong sedang barjalan tatkala anda melihat seorang yang sangat cantik yang memang anda tahu bencana jika anda cuba hendak memilikinya. Samalah mengapa mesti terliur dengan kereta mewah jutaan ringgit jika anda tahu tak semestinya kereta jutaan ringgit itu tidak bebas dan masalah dan yang menggiurkan hanya pada lambang-lambang kemewahan yang melekat di hadapan, di belakang dan di dalam kereta berkenaan?

Terliur itu boleh untuk meningkat motivasi dan kekuatan dalaman untuk mendapatkannya, tetapi usah lerliur hingga bertindak luar dari batas-batas kebiasaan, Terliur dengan suami orang yang anda lihat sangat kacak hinqga sanygup berperang dengan isterinya itu silap. Terliur dengan isteri orang yang anda lihat cantik sangat hingga sanggup berbunuhan dengan suaminya itu amat silap


Artikel ini adalah ihsan Nurul Akma The Chumey Lotey

07 January 2007

CD Ubuntu Linux Percuma

Ubuntu - Linux for Human Being. Walaupun aku tak minat linux tapi aku nak share sket cara dapat cd free at ZERO COST atau PERCUMA. Mungkin tak ramai yang tahu bahawa CD Ubuntu Linux nie boley dapat percuma. Tapi tue bagi yang sabar la if tak mau download iso nyer. Senang jer, isi jer form (dats mean register), so korang kena tunggu ar dalam 6 minggu or lebey sket untuk penghantaran. Memang percuma. Korang leh request 1, 3, atau 10 cd. So, fill the form dan submit and wait. Sabar jer. Masa aku dulu tak sampai pon sebulan. 3 minggu gitu dah dapat. Ada 10 keping sticker Ubuntu yang aku dapat sebab aku request untuk 5 keping cd jer. Pakej lain tatau ar. Korang cuba la apply then post review kat sini. Malas-malas pon bukan kena duit. Bila lagi nak dapat barang free. Hehe.. Just klik tajuk post ini untuk request ;)

Pilihan adalah seperti di bawah:

  • 1 Ubuntu CD (1 PC Edition)
  • 1 Ubuntu CD (1 64-bit PC Edition)
  • 1 Ubuntu CD (1 Mac Edition)
  • 3 Ubuntu CDs (1 PC Edition, 1 64-bit PC Edition, 1 Mac Edition)
  • 5 Ubuntu CDs (5 PC Edition)
  • 10 Ubuntu CDs (10 PC Edition)
  • 10 Ubuntu CDs (8 PC Edition, 1 64-bit PC Edition, 1 Mac Edition)
  • 10 Ubuntu CDs (5 PC Edition, 3 64-bit PC Edition, 2 Mac Edition)

06 January 2007

An Afternoon With The Hijjabed

Di petang yang penuh kebusanan nie aku mencari apa yang aku nak post kat blog nie. Aku merangkak2 kat website Grouper9 then aku terjumpa video nie, An Afternoon With The Hijjabed. Pastu aku search kat youtube plak tentang video nie. Aku pon tatau nak kata apa sebenarnya. Kaku sket pon ada. Korang komen ar plak dari apa yang korang tengok nie. Lambat sket ar sebab video nie 8 minit 29 saat gitu rsanya. Biar jer dia load sampai abes then korang play balik sebab dia dah cache video mie. Entah ar.. malas cakap korang layan ar yer. ZasSsSs!!

05 January 2007

Bennie K - Dreamland Live In AP Bank Festival

Ini adalah persembahan dari duo kegemaran aku. Bennie K! Persembahan live nie di adakan pada summer 2006 untuk sebuah pertubuhan kebajikan. Antara artis yang terlibat adalah BoA, Bonnie Pink, Kreva, Kazutoshi Sakurai dan Mr Children sendiri yang turut menjadi salah seorang founder pertubuhan tersebut. Nanti aku bagi link untuk artis lain. Kuualiti Dijamin Best!

Mesej Berantai

Friendster system is getting too crowded!! We need you to forward this to a 20 people. I know this seems like a large number, but we need to find out who is using their account. If you do not send this to at least 10 Friendster members, we will delete your account.

WARNING! We want to find out which users are actually using their Friendster accounts. So if you are using your account,please pass this e-mail to every Friendster user that you can. IF YOU DO NOT PASS this letter to anyone we will delete your account. Sorry for the inconvenience.
SPAM? Joke? Hell no. SCAM is the rite word! Dah baper kali ntah dalam Friendster aku dapat mendalah nie. Bagi pendapat aku cuba ar korang baca mesej akt atas tue. Memamg nampak mcm ancaman la nak padam akaun la apa la, tapi cuba pikir dari satu sudut lain. Sedangkan server irc tue mcm Webchat pon tau dropkan nick yang 21 hari tak aktif. Takkan la diorang tak tau delete inactive account? Aku mengharap sespa yang nak forward mesej tue baca ar dulu mesej apa yang korang nak forward. Ini tidak asal ancam sket lebey kurang korang forward mesej abes kat sumer orang. tak ker penin gitu. Ada satu contact aku dalam Friendster aku dah set SPAM kat dia. Mesej mcm nie sapa pon leh buat. Mcm la friendster nie tak der log. Adoi!!! Tolong la fikir.

04 January 2007

Proxy Untuk Masalah Internet

Peringatan: Jangan guna Proxy Untuk Online Banking Kerana Kemungkinan Proxy Tersebut MEREKOD LOGIN ANDA!

Aku baca paper tadi katanya masalah internet kita yang downgrade or lembab skang nie akan berakhir 2 minggu lagi. Aku pon harap mcm tue jugak ar. Jangan berpanjangan udah ler. Semalam pakai porxy Australia tapi today sumer proxy Aussie dah tak boleh guna. Jemmm!! So aku share sket mcm mana korang nak guna proxy nie. Ini adalah cara setting bagi Firefox. Untuk IE aku malas nak nunjuk sebab haku tak pakai IE. Wahahahaha!!! Proxy anda leh dapati di laman web ini, Proxy For Free. Tapi nak tau transparent or tak kena try ar. Kekadang ada yang laju tue kira bagus ar mcm yang aku try semalam. MEmang ada perubahan kalo korang dapat yang laju. Tapi dinasihatkan jangan guna proxy ini untuk ONLINE BANKING!

Pengguna Firefox sila ke menu Tools Advanced (tab) > Options > Network (tab) > Settings. Keni terpaparlah window COnenction Settings. Tick ruangan Manual proxy configuration dan masukkan setting seperti di bawah.

Diulangi sekali lagi dapatkan proxy di sini. Jangan guna connection untuk ONLINE BANKING kerana anda mungkin direkod dan kecurian identiti mungkin berlaku.

02 January 2007

Berdiri - Suki (One In A Million)

Aku tak tau sebab apa tapi aku rsa lagu nie memberi aku semangat. Kalo versi Inggeris aku minat lagu The All American Reject: Move Along; jadi yang lagu melayu aku minat lagu nie. Still mencari lagu nie yang versi studio tapi tak jumpa yang btol2 clear. Kalo korang ada leh ar post comment or emel terus kat mana nak donlod =) Korang boleh donlod lagu nie kat sini. Kalo korang tak boley akses site tue, sila cuba lagi beberapa minit pas tue ok.

Berdiri oleh Suki (One In A Million)

Bagaikan bangun dari igauan
derita dulu kutinggalkan
tiada mesranya senyuman
cerita baru kumulakan

Dulu kau pernah ku percaya
aku insan istimewa
satu di antara berjuta
dan kini lihatlah

Berdiri aku di sini
takkan tewas
takkan ku menyerah diri
selagi sepi hati
belum tercapai aku takkan berhenti
dapatkah kau merasa
hangatnya semangatku
bagai bercahaya
berdiri aku di sini
melangkah menuju gemilang pasti

Masih segar di dalam ingatan
jalan yang penuh kepahitan
aku harungi dengan tabah
dan kini lihatlah

*repeat chorus

tapi semua ini
tetap kumiliki
tanpamu disisiku
memberikan kasihmu selalu

*repeat chorus

Berdiri aku di sini
takkan tewas
takkan ku menyerah diri

The Worst: Stupid Engineering Mistakes

Copyright To Respective Owners

St. Francis Dam, 1928
Self-taught engineer William Mulholland built this LA dam on a defective foundation and ignored the geology of the surrounding canyon. He also dismissed cracks that formed as soon as the reservoir behind it was filled. Five days later, it ruptured, killing 450 people and destroying entire towns (along with Mulholland’s career).

Kansas City Hyatt walkways, 1981
Walkways crisscrossing the hotel’s multistory atrium collapsed, domino-style, raining debris and hundreds of people onto the packed dance contest below. The cause: grossly negligent design and use of beams that could support only 30 percent of the load.

Vasa, 1628
Three hundred years before the Titanic, the Vasa was the biggest sailing vessel of its day. The overloaded ship ruled the seas for all of a mile before she took on water through her too-low gun ports and promptly capsized.

Northeastern US power grid, 1965
A single protective relay tripped in Ontario, overloading nearby circuits and causing a cascade of outages that left 30 million homes without power for up to 13 hours. A fragile, redundancy-free design ensured that it would happen eventually. After decades of repairs and upgrades, it happened again in 2003.

McDonnell Douglas DC-10, 1970s
Nearly a thousand people around the world lost their lives while the kinks were being ironed out of this 290-ton competitor to Boeing’s 747. Blown-out cargo doors, shredded hydraulic lines, and engines dropped midflight were just a few of the behemoth’s early problems.

Firestone 500 tires, 1970s
These steel-belted radials allowed water to seep under the tread, which caused the belting to rust and the tread to separate, typically at high speeds. Dozens of deaths later, Firestone blamed consumers, then recalled 10 million tires.

Purity Distilling Company tank, 1919
You gotta keep your molasses somewhere – how about a rickety tank 50 feet tall and 90 feet in diameter in the middle of Boston? The structure was painted brown to hide the leaks. Eventually it burst (possibly exploding from fermentation), sending waves of molasses up to 15 feet high into the city and killing 21.

Skylab, 1973
America’s first space station was hopelessly damaged at launch because designers failed to account for the aerodynamics of the meteoroid shield and solar panels. When crews weren’t busy making repairs, they complained of the extreme heat on board.

Citigroup Center, 1978
Last-minute changes to structural braces of this Manhattan tower left it vulnerable to collapse in high winds. With a hurricane bearing down on the city, builders rushed to strengthen it by welding 2-inch steel plates over 200 weakly bolted joints.

R101 airship, 1930
Seven years before the Hindenburg disaster, the British thought 5.5 million cubic feet of hydrogen in a bubble of fabric would make for a fun way to get around. On her maiden flight, the airship’s cover was blown open by wind, and from there it was oh-the-humanity city.

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Scrubs Season 1 (Complete)

This half-hour comedy focuses on the bizarre experiences of fresh-faced medical intern John "J.D." Dorian (Zach Braff) as he embarks on his healing career in a surreal hospital crammed full of unpredictable staffers and patients – where humor and tragedy can merge paths at any time.

Joining the rumpled J.D. in his exhilarating brave new world are his college
buddy, Chris Turk (Donald Faison, "Clueless"), an intern with a more elite surgical group, and J.D.'s fellow medical intern, the beautiful and driven Elliot Reid (Sarah Chalke, "Roseanne"). Keeping the new interns on their toes are: the fatherly chief of medicine, Dr. Bob Kelso (Ken Jenkins); the abrasive, worldly Dr. Perry Cox (John McGinley), and the caring but slightly jaded nurse Carla Espinosa (Judy Reyes). The hospital janitor (Neil Flynn) also never seems to miss an opportunity to harass his target.

Scrubs is filmed in a real-life hospital. It's the North Hollywood Medical Center, which has gone under severe reconstruction to fit all the equipment and represent Sacred Heart Hospital. Interesting trivia: Sacred Heart was the name of the school that Christa Miller worked; in one episode Zach Braff accidentally calls the Janitor Neil Flynn, which is the actor's real life name.
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