05 January 2007

Mesej Berantai

Friendster system is getting too crowded!! We need you to forward this to a 20 people. I know this seems like a large number, but we need to find out who is using their account. If you do not send this to at least 10 Friendster members, we will delete your account.

WARNING! We want to find out which users are actually using their Friendster accounts. So if you are using your account,please pass this e-mail to every Friendster user that you can. IF YOU DO NOT PASS this letter to anyone we will delete your account. Sorry for the inconvenience.
SPAM? Joke? Hell no. SCAM is the rite word! Dah baper kali ntah dalam Friendster aku dapat mendalah nie. Bagi pendapat aku cuba ar korang baca mesej akt atas tue. Memamg nampak mcm ancaman la nak padam akaun la apa la, tapi cuba pikir dari satu sudut lain. Sedangkan server irc tue mcm Webchat pon tau dropkan nick yang 21 hari tak aktif. Takkan la diorang tak tau delete inactive account? Aku mengharap sespa yang nak forward mesej tue baca ar dulu mesej apa yang korang nak forward. Ini tidak asal ancam sket lebey kurang korang forward mesej abes kat sumer orang. tak ker penin gitu. Ada satu contact aku dalam Friendster aku dah set SPAM kat dia. Mesej mcm nie sapa pon leh buat. Mcm la friendster nie tak der log. Adoi!!! Tolong la fikir.


Unknown said...

hehehe.. biasa la tuh.. saja nak takotkan orang kot.. cuba fikir takkan admin fs nak buat cam tuh.. kalau cam tuh semua orang pakat lari dah.. tak gitu?

Mr Shafique said...

Aku pon berpendapat mcm ko gak. Saja ar nak takut2 then nak tengok baper luas mesej yang orang tue buat tersebar.